Having a full set of missing teeth can be difficult, however, thanks to advancements in dental technology, you no longer have to be without a full set of functioning teeth. With an All-on-4 dental treatment, you can get an affordable set of dentures that are permanently fitted to your mouth. This type of dental implant is sought after by many who need a full set of dentures, but do not want to deal with the excessive pain of a traditional implant. At Copper Canyon Dentistry, we can help restore your radiant smile with an All-on-4 dental implant.
All-on-4® Treatment
Valencia, CA

What Is an All-on-4 Dental Implant?
To understand how an All-on-4 treatment works, it is first important to understand how a traditional dental implant is placed. When performing a dental implant, our staff places a titanium screw into your jawbone for each tooth. This titanium screw fuses with your jawbone, acting as a root for your tooth. Once the screw is placed, a crown is then attached to it to give a realistic, functional prosthetic tooth. This can be a painful procedure that requires a significant amount of surgery and time to complete.
An All-on-4 dental implant uses a similar approach. However, instead of using a titanium screw for each tooth, our team will insert four titanium implants into your gums. The exact placement of these anchors will depend on where the strongest portions of your gums are located. Our staff will make a detailed examination of your teeth to ensure only the strongest areas of your soft tissue will be used to place the titanium screws. After the four anchors are placed in your mouth, a set of dentures is placed in your mouth and screwed into each anchor. This provides a reliable and aesthetically pleasing set of teeth in your mouth.
An All-on-4 dental implant will not only look great, but it will function as your real teeth would. Even more, this type of dental implant requires a significantly less recovery time than traditional implants due to less intensive surgery. This means you can resume your normal daily activities sooner than if you were to receive a traditional dental implant. It also gives more stability than removable dentures.
What to Expect During an All-on-4 Procedure
When you get an All-on-4 procedure, our team will perform an initial consultation on your dental health. This will allow us to see if you have any underlying issues, such as periodontitis (also known as gum disease) or other oral health issues. If we determine there are no issues that will impede the operation, the dentist will typically begin a customized treatment plan. We will identify where the anchors will be placed in your mouth and how many anchors you will need. Once the anchors are placed, the dentures will be fitted into your mouth to ensure a perfect fit and screwed in tightly.
After getting your All-on-4 dentures, we will advise you on any dietary restrictions necessary to ensure a smooth recovery process. Usually, after a few months, you will be cleared to eat and drink the beverages of your choice. We may provide you with additional recovery instructions post-op, ensuring optimal dental health. You can reach out to us between visits if you have any questions or experience any complications during the recovery process.
If you need dental implants, our team is here to provide you with the best options available.