Copper Canyon Dentistry
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We tend to take up sugars frequently, neglecting dentists’ advice on the health hazards they possess. Eating candies and cookies is one of the best moments to relax and satisfy your anxiety. Children are the most affected group by sugary content intake. However, adults are never left behind either. Sugars lead to gum disease, tooth cavities, and inflammations when failed to be tamed.

What Exactly Happens?

In the mouth, bacteria depend on sugars to feed and produce acids as their by-products. When these acids are left unattended for long, they cling onto the teeth eating up the outer covering. The enamel exposes the delicate inner tissues and nerve endings. The net result of this effect is the formation of tooth cavities and pulpitis, accompanied by painful conditions and discomfort. You don’t want that do you?

On the gums, sugars are deposited and accumulate around them, forming a sticky film, and plaque that attracts bacterial infections leading to gum inflammation or gingivitis. This causes your gums to recede and, if left untreated, increases the chance of tooth and bone loss. In severe cases, the condition may even affect other body organs such as the brain and the liver.

What To Eat and Drink?

Dentists advise on regulating the amount of sugar intake to avoid dental complications. Furthermore, cutting down on sugary foods means going for the alternatives such as sugar-free products. Avoid sugary beverages as they have the same effects or even more due to their acidic contents. Opt for pure water and milk instead of fruit juices, especially between meals. Water intake fuels the production of saliva, which in turn flushes away bacteria and food particles responsible for most dental problems.

In addition to cutting sugary foods, proper dental care is advised, especially after meals. Experts state that sugary and acidic foods and beverages wear out enamel; hence recommend brushing your teeth after an hour or so after their intake to avoid washing away tiny particles of the enamel. Visit our practices today for more information on the health risks associated with sugary foods and drinks.