Orthodontics focuses on moving or straightening the teeth to improve their appearance and functioning. Orthodontics also entails the treatment and regulation of several aspects of facial growth and jaw development by spreading the bite pressure over all the teeth. The appliance placed on teeth to push them back to their proper position in the mouth is commonly known as a clear aligner, which is removable.
Orthodontics Treatment Valencia, CA
Do I Need Orthodontic Treatment?
Orthodontic treatment is recommended for those who have crowded, crooked, or misaligned teeth. This is not just for aesthetics, but to make it easier to practice routine oral hygiene. Orthodontics can be practiced on adults and children who have all of their permanent teeth.

Invisalign uses clear plastic braces which are actually aligner trays you can pop in and out of your mouth to gradually shift your teeth into the proper position safely and gradually, and in just as must time as braces would take.
Benefits of Getting Clear Aligners
There are many benefits to orthodontic treatments that go beyond having a more beautiful smile including:
- Improved self-esteem: Crooked teeth is one major problem that can hold you back from showing others how glad you are. Getting aligners in Valencia can make your teeth look good no matter how you move your mouth.
- Correct bite: Misaligned teeth can put troublesome pressure on the muscles of your jaw and result in headaches and joint problems. Orthodontic treatment can help correct your bite pattern and keep your teeth from potential damage.
- Better oral hygiene: Once your teeth are straighter, you’ll be able to brush and floss much more effectively, which can prevent tooth decay.
In some limited cases, there may be a benefit to metal braces or working with a specialist and a referral may be appropriate to achieve the best results.
Benefits of Using an Anti-Snoring Device
Those who use an anti-snoring device will notice other benefits than an appreciative bed partner who no longer has to listen to you snore at night. The primary benefit to the wearer is that they will have better, more rejuvenating sleep.
If you suffer from snoring for any reason, being fitted for an anti-snoring device could be a game changer for you.